Alan Wilder + Oliver Thiede

The main bulk of Hamburg promotion started at an ungodly 10:30am the next morning. Amongst a full day's schedule, Alan conducted important interviews with MTV Europe and VH1. These included introducing the video show 'Hoch Fünf' ('High Five'), where a guest artist is invited to choose some of his favourite videos. In Alan's case:

Pulp - 'This Is Hardcore' / Pan Sonic - 'Vakio' / Bjork - 'All Is Full Of Love' / Radiohead - 'Street Spirit' / Recoil - 'Drifting' + 'Strange Hours'

There was also a roundtable interview which included 'Black Box' webmaster and Shunt regular Oliver Thiede, who arrived at the hotel at 11:00am and waited patiently until his slot at 6:00pm - the last of the day. When we came down to the bar a couple of hours later, he was still there and had been joined by three other fans who had originally met us at the airport.