
Alan: "For someone who'd never recorded professionally before, Rosa was remarkably calm and collected and was happy to try anything I suggested. Her voice was recorded without the music for ultimate clarity and presence. For me, the difficulty is never being able to really understand how it sounds to a Catalonian. From my point of view her voice works beautifully from a purely aesthetic perspective. It possesses a very sensual and emotive quality which is what I was attracted to in the first place."

Rosa: "I wrote the lines with a vision, an image in my head, as a starting point rather than with a concept. I was very curious to see how Alan would use the text and I frankly have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. I thought the music was very powerful and it reflects the emotions. Apart from that, there are the emphases given by the music, sounds, etc. to certain words and phrases. A Catalan person would think a fellow countryman had done it."